O’ Blessed Halone, grant us fortitude for this coming battle. Through the intercession of the Holy See, be our protection against evil in these trials and grant us the power to slay the wicked and establish peace in your name.Guide us, O' mighty Fury.

Vallienne Seaumert

⚜ Of the Returning Dead ⚜

Adventure - Combat - Long Term

VOLUME WARNING: Song may be loud, mind your volume!

you're not supposed to be here.

The color red
Rich, warm foods
Self-published literature
Wanton violence
Handling machinery
Small noodles (i.e. macaroni)


Name: Vallienne Raphaelle Camilla Seaumert
Epithet: Of the Returning Dead
Race: Elezen
Job: Dragoon
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthplace: Holy See of Ishgard
Height: 6'0"
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Age: 32
Occupation: Order of Knights Dragoon (Retired)
Combatant Type: Melee - Master Lancer, Trained Swordsman
Religion: The Twelve
Patron Deity: Halone, the Fury
Alignment: Lawful Good
Aether Affinity: Dark
Spoken Fluency 
Eorzean Common:Native
Old Elezen:Native

Notable Features

⚜ Vallienne bears many, many scars from her years serving as a dragoon. Blade, claw, and flame have marred her body, most notable the scorched right side of her face, touched by dragonfire.⚜ Her body is toned, and her muscle is prominent, for the arduous training that she has put herself through and maintains each day.⚜ Vallienne's demeanor is best described as stoic. She often appears to have a cold, expressionless exterior that can be intense to the uninitiated. However, she is known to smile frequently, so her dulled affect may not be truly indicative of her nature.⚜ Her garments are common for Ishgardian fashion, but are primarily of poor or lower quality when it comes to typical Ishgardian fare.⚜ Her voice is spoken with a thick, rather rough accent befitting the language.*

* While Ishgard doesn't really have a distinct accent in-game, I like to assume that Vallienne has an accent reminiscent to that which one could hear in Alsace-Lorraine.


Please reach out on Discord if you have any questions. The hooks are there for you to use!Forewarning, if you are a "RP to find out" sort of person, you may wish to skip this section as it spoils much of her history.

Lance of the Lowborn

⚜ Vallienne hails from a lowborn family of the Brume and is the daughter of Ser Richaux Seaumert, who died in the war against the Dravanian Horde, and Sister Zanaelle Seaumert, a priestess of the Clergy. To fellow Brumites, Vallienne may be known, as she is often respected by her fellows akin to a local hero. Some, however, may dislike the Brumite who found glory with the highborn.⚜ Squired to the House Durendaire, but ultimately went on to the Temple Knights and candidacy for the Knights Dragoon. Generally speaking, Vallienne will often recognize any dragoons from the past ten years as comrades she has served alongside.⚜ Her epithet, "Of the Returning Dead" is the title of her most well known feat as she achieved renown for emerging one moon after her supposed death with the head of a terrible wyrm, Teih Rysk, who was responsible for many lost knights. Vallienne has a public reputation of an iron will and a knack for survival.⚜ In light of a necromancy crisis with the foe, Sindarin, Vallienne was recently compromised into assaulting her allies upon the Pillars. Though seemingly recovered, this weakness has led to Vallienne being relieved of her knighthood, and forced to retire. This development is public.

Burdens of Blood

⚜ Vallienne has, unfortunately, been forced to consume dragon blood several times in her life, and she is changed for it. Because of her affliction, she is keenly aware of the presence of dragons.* She also suffers a crippling addiction to dragon blood, which she fights to this day. Knowledge of this is a very closely guarded secret.⚜ To those sensitive to aether, Vallienne's draconic aether has become monstrous to behold, to the point that she appears more dragon than elezen. Signs of this change in her aether even seem to appear in her true form against her will.⚜ A byproduct of her changes, her aether has taken on a natural affinity for Dark magic, reminiscent to Dark Knights and the dragons of Nidhogg's brood.

Survival of the Scorned

⚜ As a result of being released from her knightly vows, Vallienne has been forced to make do with other means. She now primarily works as an adventurer, taking on lawful jobs, such as hunts, escort missions, training, and more. As such, most can typically hire her akin to a mercenary, though she retains certain standards for what she will or will not do.⚜ Though no longer a knight of Ishgard, Vallienne did, nevertheless, join the efforts to save Garlemald and defend against the Final Days. Some may recognize her from the Ilsabard Contingent in the defense of Garlemald and Thavnair.

* In regards to sensing dragons and draconic individuals (people who have consumed dragon blood), I operate only on consent. If you do not wish for Vallienne to be aware of such a secret as your character's dragon blood, I can happily ignore it.


Click names for carrds, if these characters have one.

Richaux Seaumert

Status: Deceased
Occupation: Temple Knight
A member of the Temple Knights before Vallienne herself, his untimely death to the Dravanian Horde and unerring faith in his daughter served as her drive to pursue the perilous path of the dragoon.

Zanaelle Seaumert

Status: Active
Occupation: Priestess of Halone
A woman of the cloth, Zanaelle's pious dedication to Halone complements her nurturing fondness for her children, cementing her role as a pivotal guide in Vallienne's life on roads both personal and spiritual.

Julinaux Castelle

Status: Active
Occupation: Bard and Tavern Owner
From childhood friends to comrades in knighthood, fate has always put these two on the path to rejoin one another. It was only fitting then, that Julien should free her from the hateful Dragonsong, and the two would go on to find love.

Gwynevere Solaris

Status: Active
Occupation: Adventuring Gunbreaker
Familiar friends since childhood despite differing circumstances of upbringing. Though often they have gone their separate ways, somehow they always find their way back, their bond never worse for the time apart.

Viryen Syndelaine

Status: Active
Occupation: Voidsent Hunter
Practically kindred souls of the Brume, both Viryen and Vallienne have been challenged to meet their inner darkness and conquer its influence, lest they succumb to its hold. Grim as it may be, shared turmoil has forged a strong bond between the two.

Gio Vauclain

Status: Active
Occupation: Temple Coroner
A handler of the dead and the dark, Vallienne and Gio met as allies through their quest to find and defeat Sindarin. In light of all that happened to Vallienne, Gio has been unwavering in his support for the troubled dragoon, and a source of needed insight.

OOC Information

In-Game Name: Vallienne Seaumert
Home Server: Zalera
Current Story Progression: Endwalker
Discord: vallison

- Vallienne is a "high fantasy" character in tone, better suited for epic tales of the magic and fantasy in Final Fantasy XIV. She is not well-suited to technological themes of storytelling.- As a dragoon, Vallienne is primarily a combatant and best-suited for combat RP. RP centered around stealth can be challenging and not the best use of her character.- I very much enjoy participating in and telling stories, short or long-term, light or dark; I'm definitely open to participating in combat and adventures. I'm mostly looking for a traditional Final Fantasy experience of quests, adventure, and playing fun jobs.- I love conflict in RP! Please ask before initiating first, though, as I may be involved in something with someone else.- Social stuff is something I can take in small doses, but I find it goes much smoother with more active, story-driven RP to balance it out.- I'm working on coming up with something, but if your character has the Echo, I can work with that!- World RP is cool. If you catch me in the world and I’m not in character, feel free to poke me and ask!- I am over 21, but ERP is not an option.